/blogs/home-battery-backup.atom UGREEN US - Home Battery Backup 2023-09-06T15:56:22+08:00 UGREEN US /blogs/home-battery-backup/blackout-vs-brownout-the-ultimate-guide-to-prepare-for-both 2023-09-06T15:56:22+08:00 2024-03-11T12:30:32+08:00 Blackout vs. Brownout: The Ultimate Guide to Prepare for Both UGREEN More


It is undeniable how annoying power interruptions can be. It might result in anything from dim lighting to total darkness. However, there are two distinct forms of these power outages: brownout vs. blackout. Both leave everything in the dark, but they are produced by different things, with different results.

In this article, we will examine the distinction between brownouts vs blackouts as well as their origins, consequences, and methods of prevention. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive in to begin exploring!

What is a Blackout?

what is a blackout

A temporary and widespread loss of electricity in a particular area or region is referred to as a blackout. The power supply is completely disrupted, which stops lights, appliances, and electronic equipment from working. They may result in significant disruptions that impact daily operations, commercial operations, and vital services that depend on electricity.

What Causes a Blackout?

Typical causes include:

  • ●Equipment failures or damage, such as those to transformers, circuit breakers, or power lines, can result in an abrupt loss of electricity.
    ●Storms, hurricanes, snowstorms, and lightning can harm power infrastructure and cause outages.
    ●A blackout may occur when the electricity demand surpasses the capacity of the power grid.

What is a Brownout?

what is a brownout

A controlled and intentional reduction in the voltage of the electrical power that utility providers are supplying to a particular area or region is referred to as a brownout. This can result in dimmed lights, slower device operation, and decreased appliance performance.

What Causes a Brownout?

Here are a few frequent reasons for brownouts:

  • ●The amount of electricity that is available for distribution may be constrained due to insufficient power generation capacity, fuel shortages, or interruptions in the supply chain, which can result in voltage drops.
    ●Defects in the power distribution network's technical components, such as transformers or transmission lines, can make it more difficult to transmit electricity effectively, leading to voltage dips.
    ●Voltage instability can result from sudden changes in power demand or unanticipated interruptions in the grid's operation, which cause voltage reductions.

What is a Rolling Blackout?

A rolling blackout, also referred to as rotational load shedding, is a brief, controlled interruption in the flow of electricity that successively impacts various geographic areas. Utility companies use it to prevent widespread and protracted blackouts during times of high demand and strain on the power grid.

Blackout vs. Brownout: What Are the Differences?

The main differences between brownout vs blackout are the following:

  • ●An area or region experiences a blackout when all electricity is lost. On the other hand, a brownout is program loadshedding by authorities due to voltage shortage.
    ●Power is completely lost during a blackout, rendering all lighting, appliances, and electronic equipment useless. Contrastingly, during a brownout, the voltage drops below the normal level, which causes the lights to dim and devices to operate more slowly and with less efficiency.
    ●Equipment malfunctions, extreme weather, grid imbalances, cyberattacks, and other events can all result in blackouts. On the other hand, a brownout occurs mainly to prevent severe blackouts.

Brownout vs. Voltage Sag: What are the Differences?

After going through the main points of brownout vs blackout; lets now have a look at the main differences are the following:

  • ●As mentioned earlier, brownout is intentional power outage to strategically conserve energy, preventing potential blackouts. Whereas an abrupt and brief drop in the voltage level of the electrical supply is referred to as a voltage sag, voltage dip, or transient voltage.
    ●Where brownout involves lowering voltage supply, voltage Sage highlights voltage drops that are frequently caused by sudden increases in energy use or by the start of large electrical loads like motors or compressors.
    ●Sensitive electronic devices may experience brief disruptions due to voltage sags, including rebooting or momentary malfunctions. On the other hand, brownouts cause the device to operate slowly. In such a condition, quickly turn them OFF to prevent device failure due to short circuit.

Brownout vs. Power Surge: What are the Differences?

The main differences are following:

  • ●Both of these terms are exact opposites. A brownout occurs when the voltage supply is reduced intentionally by the provider. Contrastingly, a voltage spike, also referred to as a power surge, is an abrupt and brief increase in the electrical supply's voltage.
    ●Lightning strikes, defective equipment, and the abrupt return of power after a power outage are all potential causes of power surges. Contrastingly, brownouts are caused when the voltage supply fails to mee the rising demand.
    ●Utility companies typically implement brownouts to prevent overloads and blackouts during times of high electricity demand or grid stress. On the other hand, power surges have the potential to seriously harm or even destroy sensitive electronic devices because of the higher-than-normal voltage levels they expose them to.

What Should I do in the Event of an Electrical Brownout or Blackout?

Though it can be a little unsettling, dealing with an electrical brownout vs blackout. To start with, do not freak out during a brownout or blackout. To keep you, your family, and your home safe, it is crucial to understand "how to protect your appliances from brownouts or blackouts."

Here are a few quick tips to get ready for a brownout vs blackout:

●Remain Calm

Take a deep breath and maintain your composure. Keep in mind that brownouts and blackouts are relatively common and typically last only a short time.

●Check the Extent

Take a look around to determine whether the problem only affects your house or a wider area. It is probably a larger power problem if your neighbors' lights are also out.

●Safety First

Turn OFF any electrical devices you were using when the power went out. When the power is restored, this will aid in avoiding damage or electrical surges.

●Unplug Sensitive Electronics

To safeguard them from potential power surges when the electricity is restored, unplug computers, TVs, game consoles, and other delicate electronics.

●Contact the Utility Company

Contact your neighborhood utility company if you notice the power is out and you have not heard about a planned outage. They could offer details on the root cause and an anticipated time frame for restoration.

●Keep Refrigerator and Freezer Closed

Minimize opening the refrigerator and freezer doors to prevent food from spoiling. If kept closed, a fully stocked freezer can maintain food's cold condition for roughly 24–48 hours.

Guarding Against Power Failures: Protecting Devices from Brownouts

We would be happy to assist you in determining which appliances are susceptible to power outages and how to shield them from brownouts. During brownouts or other sudden power outages, some electronic devices are more vulnerable to power fluctuations and are, therefore, more likely to sustain damage. These devices include:

  1. 1.Computers and Laptops
    3.Home Theater Systems
    6.Air Conditioners
    10. Ovens

Protecting Your Appliances from Brownouts

There are a few things you can do during a brownout to safeguard your appliances and keep them from being harmed.

●Use Surge Protectors

Put surge protectors in front of delicate equipment like TVs, computers, and home theater systems. Your electronics will be protected by these devices, which can absorb power surges and spikes.

●Invest in Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)

A UPS provides a battery backup during power interruptions, allowing you to save your work, shut down your computer properly, or keep essential devices running for a short while.

●Consider Voltage Stabilizers

By regulating the voltage supplied to your appliances, these devices provide protection against voltage fluctuations.

●Disconnect During Storms

To avoid potential damage from lightning strikes or power surges during thunderstorms or strong winds, unplug sensitive devices.

●Keep Regular Maintenance

Make sure your appliances are kept up to date. They may perform worse and be more susceptible to power fluctuations if they are covered in dust and dirt.

How to Prepare for the Next Brownout?

It is critical that you are adequately prepared in advance for a brownout so that you can keep your family secure and at ease while there is a brief loss of power. You should take these actions:

  • ●Be sure to keep plenty of non-perishable food, bottled water, and other necessities in your home, such as candles, flashlights, and batteries. It is best to invest in a durable portable power station, such as the 鶹ƵPowerRoam 1200 PowerHouse, if you live in a region where there are frequent brownouts.
    ●Together with your family, you should have a plan in place for what to do in case of a brownout. This entails distributing duties among the family members. The duties may include making sure that everyone is aware of where to find emergency supplies and keeping an eye on elderly or disabled family members.
    ●Ensure that all of your electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones, are charged completely.
    Best Home Power Back

Best Home Power Backup During Blackout & Brownout

We are all aware of how annoying it can be when there is an unexpected brownout vs blackout, and the lights go out. That's where the 鶹ƵPowerRoam 1200 Power Station steps in as a true lifesaver. With this portable power station, you can maintain the functionality of your critical appliances even when the grid is down, just like you had your own mini power plant at home.

ugreen powerroam  1200 power station

Portable Power On-The-Go

The portability of the 鶹ƵPowerRoam 1200 is one of its best qualities. It is perfect for use both inside and outside because it is small, light, and portable. Whether you are preparing for a camping trip or are dealing with an unexpected power outage, this power plant has you covered.

portable power on-the-go

Reliable Backup Power

The last thing you want after the lights go out is to be in the dark. Your devices will have a dependable source of backup power with the PowerRoam 1200. Your laptops, tablets, smartphones, and even small appliances can all be kept charged and functional thanks to their impressive capacity.

ugreen power station - reliable backup power
ugreen power station - reliable backup power

Multiple Charging Options

PowerRoam 1200 can recharge a variety of gadgets. It features AC outlets, USB ports, and a DC input for solar panel charging. Their adaptability ensures that you can keep a variety of devices powered on, including your communication gadgets and essential medical equipment.

ugreen power station - multiple charging options

User-Friendly Design

The ultimate PowerRoam 1200 is simple to use. You can see how much power is left and which ports are being used on its clear LED display and with its simple interface. It is simple to use and does not require you to be an expert in technology.

ugreen power station - user friendly design


Understanding the distinction between a brownout vs blackout will help you be more prepared for any power emergencies. While both types of power outages cause inconvenience in our daily lives, they have distinct characteristics. You can lessen the effects of a brownout vs blackout and keep yourself and your loved ones safe by knowing what to do during one and how to prepare for it.

FAQs About Brownout Vs Blackout

This FAQ examines the variations, root causes, and effects of these two distinct yet significant occurrences, i.e., brownout vs blackout.

1. What Devices are Vulnerable to Brownouts?

Electronics that are sensitive are susceptible to brownouts. Computers, servers, routers, modems, and networking hardware are some examples. Brownouts can impair their functionality, corrupt data, or cause unplanned shutdowns. Brownouts can cause motor-powered home appliances like air conditioners and refrigerators to operate less efficiently and wear out faster.

2. Who Should You Call when Brownouts Occur?

You should first get in touch with your neighborhood utility company or electricity provider during a brownout. They are in charge of overseeing the power supply and can inform you of the circumstances, its anticipated duration, and any necessary steps you need to take. To make sure your utility provider is aware of the problem and can take the necessary action to address it, you might want to report brownouts that are frequent or last for a long time.

3. Why Is It Called Brownout Instead of Blackout?

A deliberate and controlled decrease in voltage that causes lights to dim and equipment to perform less well is referred to as a "brownout." It differs from a "blackout," in which all power is lost. The dimming effect, which can make lights appear browner or dimmer than usual, is where the term "brownout" originates. While "blackout" refers to a total loss of power.

4. What Do you Unplug During a Brownout?

Unplugging any electrical devices that could be damaged by voltage changes is a smart move during a brownout. Computers, servers, routers, modems, gaming consoles, and networking hardware are all included in this. Due to the lower voltage, unplugging these devices can help avoid possible damage or data corruption. Refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines are examples of home appliances with motors that are suitable candidates for temporary unplugging to prevent damage during voltage reductions.

5. Do Brownouts Damage Electronics?

Yes, brownouts have the potential to harm electronic devices. This may result in a number of problems, including: 1.Brownouts can cause unexpected computer shutdowns that could result in data loss or corruption if files are not properly saved. 2.When electronic components operate outside of their ideal operating range, lower voltage levels can result in stress, overheating, and early component failure. 3.After a brownout, some devices may struggle to start up or reset correctly, which may affect their functionality.

/blogs/home-battery-backup/laptop-power-consumption-how-many-watts-does-a-laptop-use 2023-08-23T00:00:00+08:00 2023-08-23T19:43:11+08:00 Laptop Power Consumption: How Many Watts Does a Laptop Use per Day/Month/Year? UGREEN More


Laptops have become indispensable tools in our modern lives, seamlessly blending work, entertainment, and communication. As our reliance on these devices grows, so does our concern for their energy consumption. In an era where electricity costs are rising, understanding laptop power consumptionis both prudent and eco-conscious.

This article delves into the essential question: How many watts does a laptop use? We aim to comprehensively understand how laptops impact your energy bills and the environment by exploring the varying factors that influence laptop energy consumption.

How Many Watts Does A Laptop Use?

Laptops generally consume 30-200 watts per hour, varying by usage. Activities like gaming use more power than browsing. To gauge exact usage, employ an energy monitor or check the adapter. If you want to know how many watts does a laptop use? The cost depends on daily usage and electricity rates. For instance, they use 50 watts for 10 hours daily at 15 cents/kWh, which costs around $0.075/day or $2.25/month.

How Many Watts Do Popular Laptops Use? (Apple, Samsung, Dell, Asus, Lenovo, HP, Acer, and More)

Here's an overview of how many watts does a laptop use, including known brands and models based on maximum power ratings:



Estimated Working Hours (Hours)

Estimated Power Needed Daily (Watt-hours)

Estimated Working Days (Days)

Estimated Power Needed Monthly (Watt-hours)

Estimated Working Months (Months)

Estimated Power Needed Yearly (Watt-hours)

MacBook Air



240 Watt-hours


7,200 Watt-hours


86,400 Watt-hours Watt-hours

MacBook Pro 13″



488 Watt-hours


14,640 Watt-hours


175,680 Watt-hours

MacBook Pro 14″



536 Watt-hours


16,080 Watt-hours


192,960 Watt-hours

MacBook Pro 16″

96W or 140W


768 or 1,120 Watt-hours


23,040 or 33,600 Watt-hours


276480 or 403,200 Watt-hours

Asus ROG Zephyrus 15



1,600 Watt-hours


48,000 Watt-hours


576,000 Watt-hours

Asus Chromebook Flip C302CA



360 Watt-hours


10,800 Watt-hours


129,600 Watt-hours

Dell G15 Gaming Laptop



1,440 Watt-hours


43,200 Watt-hours


518,400 Watt-hours

Dell Inspiron 14



520 Watt-hours


15,600 Watt-hours


187,200 Watt-hours

Dell Inspiron 15 (3000)



360 Watt-hours


10,800 Watt-hours


129,600 Watt-hours

Dell Inspiron 15 (7000)



720 Watt-hours


21,600 Watt-hours


259,200 Watt-hours

Dell Inspiron 17



720 Watt-hours


21,600 Watt-hours


259,200 Watt-hours

Dell XPS 15



1,040 Watt-hours


31,200 Watt-hours


374,400 Watt-hours

Dell G15 Gaming Laptop



5,344 Watt-hours


160,320 Watt-hours


1,923,840 Watt-hours

Lenovo Flex 3



360 Watt-hours


10,800 Watt-hours


129,600 Watt-hours

Lenovo Chromebook 3



360 Watt-hours


10,800 Watt-hours


129,600 Watt-hours

Lenovo Ideapad 3



520 Watt-hours


15,600 Watt-hours


187,200 Watt-hours

Lenovo Yoga



520 Watt-hours


15,600 Watt-hours


187,200 Watt-hours

Microsoft Surface Laptop Go



312 Watt-hours


9,360 Watt-hours


112,320 Watt-hours

Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2



360 Watt-hours


10,800 Watt-hours


129,600 Watt-hours

Samsung Galaxy Book Go



360 Watt-hours


10,800 Watt-hours


129,600 Watt-hours

Samsung Chromebook 4+



360 Watt-hours


10,800 Watt-hours


129,600 Watt-hours

HP Laptops

45W to 150W depending on the model


360 or 1,200 Watt-hours


10,800 or 36,000 Watt-hours


129600 or 432,000 Watt-hours

Acer Laptops

45W to 180W depending on the model


360 to 1,440 Watt-hours


10,800 to 43,200 Watt-hours


129,600 to 518,400 Watt-hours

If you want to learn how many watts does a laptop use, then this section is for you! Costs associated with running your laptop hinge on daily usage hours and electricity rates in your locale. To compute expenses, multiply your laptop's hourly wattage by daily usage hours and electricity price per kilowatt-hour. For instance, if your laptop uses 50 watts per hour and you use it for eight hours daily, with electricity priced at $0.15 per kilowatt-hour, running your laptop could cost $0.06 per day or $1.80 per month.

Laptop Watts Consumption Based on Stage

Laptop power usage is influenced by its operational stage: sleep, work, or standby mode. How many watts does a laptop use? Commonly, laptops draw 65W in high-performance mode. But usage periods vary, with around 14 hours off, 0.3 hours asleep, and 9-10 hours idle or high-performance mode.


Wattage (W)

Watt hours used per day (Wh)

Watt hours used per month (Wh)

Watt hours used per year (Wh)

Off mode





Sleep mode





Active mode (incl. high performance and idle)

65 (max)









Active mode consumes the highest power, followed by off mode and sleep mode. Off mode still draws power due to standby functions, while sleep mode conserves energy by storing the laptop's state in memory and shutting down most components.

Do Laptops Use Power in Sleep Mode?

Sleep mode conserves power by shutting off most laptop components, except for RAM, allowing quick resumption. On average, laptops use around 2 watts in sleep mode, costing about $0.0062 per day or $0.186 per month at US electricity rates.

While sleep mode is ideal for short breaks, hibernate mode is better for extended periods. Hibernate saves the state to the hard drive, using less power than sleep. It takes longer to resume from hibernation but offers a full shutdown and quick recovery. Both modes save energy and offer convenient options based on usage duration.

How Many Watts Does a Gaming Laptop Use?

Gaming laptops' power usage varies from 30 to 400 watts, influenced by factors like model, graphics card, CPU, and use. The average consumption is around 250 watts, but specifics differ based on activities. A power monitor or laptop adapter can help measure actual usage, though the maximum wattage doesn't reflect constant power draw. Calculating costs hinges on daily usage hours and local electricity rates.

How many watts does a laptop use? For instance, a gaming laptop using 300 watts for six hours daily, with a $0.15 per kWh rate, costs $0.27 per day or $8.10 per month to operate. It's crucial to consider these factors for efficient usage and budgeting.

Laptop Power Consumption: How Much Does a Laptop Cost to Run?

Laptop power consumptionvaries, with monthly usage reported between 0.192 kWh and 7.025 kWh and the most common monthly use being around 1.433 kWh. The associated monthly costs range from approximately $0.029 to $1.05, with an average monthly electricity bill of about $0.215. On an annual basis, laptops consume electricity in the range of 2.3 kWh to 84.3 kWh, with 17.2 kWh being the typical figure.

How many watts does a laptop useper hour? Laptops typically consume an average of 20 to 50 watts per hour, contingent on the model, size, and usage. The cost of running a laptop depends on the local electricity rate but is generally quite economical when juxtaposed with other devices. For instance, utilizing a laptop for 8 hours daily at 12 cents per kWh would be approximately $1.15 in monthly expenses.

The cost of running a laptop depends on the price of electricity in your area, which can vary widely depending on your location and provider. The average price of electricity in the United States is 15 cents per kWh, but it can range from 9 cents to 33 cents per kWh. Based on these numbers, the cost of running a laptop for one hour can range from 0.27 cents to 6.6 cents, with 0.75 cents being an expected average.


Power Consumption (W)

Power Consumption (kWh)

Cost ($/h)

Cost ($/d)

Cost ($/m)

Low usage (web browsing, email, etc.)






Medium usage (office work, streaming, etc.)






High usage (gaming, editing, etc.)






What Factors Affect Laptop Power Usage?

Laptop power usage is influenced by several critical factors, impacting both performance and energy efficiency. Understanding and managing these factors can lead to optimized laptop operation, prolonged battery life, and reduced electricity costs. Laptop power consumptioncan fluctuate due to several key factors:

Screen Size and Brightness

These settings are critical determinants of power usage. Larger and brighter screens consume more energy. You can significantly conserve power by adjusting the brightness to a comfortable level and opting for power-saving screen modes.

Processor and Graphics Card

The laptop's performance capabilities and visual processing influence its laptop power consumption. Resource-intensive tasks demand more energy, so utilizing power-saving modes or putting the laptop to sleep when not in use can minimize power drain.

Battery Condition and Charging Habits

The condition of your laptop's battery and your charging practices can impact laptop power consumption. Older batteries require more frequent charging, leading to increased electricity usage. Unplugging the charger when the battery is full, or the laptop is turned off can mitigate wastage.

Model and Components

Hardware components, such as processors, graphics cards, and RAM, vary across laptop models and configurations. More powerful components typically demand higher energy, making it essential to consider your laptop's specifications in relation to your intended usage.


These conditions, particularly ambient temperature, influence the laptop's cooling system. Higher temperatures may lead to increased component workload and subsequent laptop power consumption.

External Devices

Connected peripherals such as USB devices, external hard drives, and accessories draw additional power, contributing to overall laptop power consumption.

How to Measure Laptop Power Usage?

Measuring laptop power usage is a good way to understand how much energy your device consumes and how you can optimize its performance and battery life. There are different methods and tools that you can use to measure laptop power usage, depending on how accurate and detailed you want the results to be. Here are some common ways to measure laptop power usage: How many watts does a laptop use?

Software Tools

Utilize specialized software to monitor component laptop power consumption. Programs like OuterVision, HWMonitor, and Open Hardware Monitor offer real-time and average power usage insights.

Hardware Devices

Devices like Kill A Watt and Watts Up? plug into power outlets or laptop cords, providing accurate readings of actual power draw.

Online Calculators

Some websites offer calculators to estimate power usage based on laptop specifications and usage patterns. These tools estimate approximate consumption using inputs like a model, battery capacity, screen size, and more.

How to Reduce Laptop Power Usage?

Minimizing laptop power usage offers various benefits, including energy and cost savings and extended battery life. Employing effective strategies can make a substantial impact on overalllaptop power consumption. Here are vital tips to reduce laptop power usage:

Dim Screen Brightness

Lowering screen brightness significantly reduces power drain as the display is a significant energy consumer. Adjust brightness settings using keyboard shortcuts or system preferences.

Limit CD/DVD Drive Use

CD/DVD drives consume substantial power due to disc rotation. Opt for USB drives, external storage, or cloud services whenever possible. If using discs, eject them once done.

Manage Wireless Connections

Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use. These connections actively search for signals and transfer data, consuming extra battery power. Toggle them off from the taskbar or network settings.

Activate Battery Saver Mode

Utilize the built-in battery saver mode or lower power settings. These options are available through the battery icon on the taskbar or power and battery settings. They adjust CPU speed, screen brightness, and background processes.

Optimize App and Device Power Usage

Adjust power settings for apps and devices to prevent unnecessary energy consumption. Manage background running apps, set shorter sleep durations, and customize graphics settings for each app.

Utilize Dark Backgrounds and Themes

Dark backgrounds and themes consume less power than bright ones, especially on OLED or AMOLED screens. Alter your personalization settings to choose dark backgrounds and themes for a more energy-efficient display.

Bonus Tip – Consider a Solar Generator:

Embrace renewable energy using a solar generator. These devices convert solar energy into electrical power to charge laptops. A solar generator comprises a solar panel, battery, inverter, and charger. Models like the 鶹ƵSolar Generator offer various capacities and output ports.

Best Solar Generator for Laptop When Off-Grid

A solar generator offers a reliable off-grid power solution for laptops and other devices, converting solar energy into electricity without fuel, noise, or emissions.

What Size Generator Do I Need For Laptop When Off-Grid?

Selection of your laptop's right off-grid generator size depends on crucial factors like laptop power usage, battery capacity, charging speed, and usage duration. Laptop power usage, typically around 55.45 watt-hours daily, varies by model and task. The battery capacity, roughly 50 Wh for a typical laptop, reflects stored energy. Charging speed, determined by the generator's power output, charger efficiency, and battery condition, affects how quickly your laptop can recharge.

You can determine your needs using the formula: Generator size = (Power usage x Usage duration) + (Battery capacity / Charging speed). For instance, with a 50 Wh battery, 60 W power usage, 100 W charging speed, and aiming for 4 hours of laptop use and one daily charge, you'd require a generator providing around 340 Wh daily.

External factors like weather, generator efficiency, and additional devices you wish to power can influence your choice. Prioritize factors like portability, reliability, and cost when making your selection.

The Most Portable Solar Generator for Laptops

The 鶹ƵPowerRoam 600 Power Station stands out as a remarkably portable solar generator tailored for laptops and various devices. Its compelling features make it a convenient, reliable, and environmentally-friendly choice. Notable attributes include:

Ample Battery Capacity: 680Wh can sustain laptops for hours or even days without recharging. For instance, a laptop using 60W could run for around 11 hours on a full charge.

ugreen power station - home power backup
ugreen power station - outdoor power supply

Robust Power Output: Boasting 600W (peak 1500W) with U-Turbo technology, it can power devices up to 1500W. Multiple output ports accommodate up to 12 devices, including laptops, phones, and more.

ugreen 600w power station - power output

Swift Charging Speed: Aided by PowerZip technology, it charges in just 1.5 hours via AC input or 3-4 hours via solar input. The solar input is compatible with Ugreen's folding solar panels, ensuring rapid charging.

ugreen power station - super fast recharging

Long Battery Life: Utilizing LiFePO4 batteries offers up to 10 years or 2000 cycles of service. These batteries are renowned for longevity, efficiency, stability, and minimal environmental impact.

ugreen power station - long battery life

Remote Control via Smart APP: The included app enables remote monitoring and control, providing insights into battery levels, power usage, and more. Different modes optimize performance and efficiency.

ugreen power station - remote app control

Compact and Convenient: It's easy to carry with dimensions of 33.02 x 22.86 x 22.86 cm and a weight of 19.8 lbs. An LCD, durable case, and accessory bag enhance usability.

The Best Solar Generator for Laptops

The 鶹ƵPowerRoam 1200 Solar Generator stands out as an innovative choice due to its comprehensive features and benefits:

With a 1200W power output (peak 2500W) and U-Turbo technology, it accommodates laptops, TVs, mini-fridges, and more, simultaneously powering up to 13 devices via multiple output ports. The 1024Wh (25.6V/40Ah) LiFePO4 battery offers long-lasting energy storage, suitable for prolonged laptop usage. Charging speed is impressive, recharging in as little as 1.5 hours through AC input or 3-4 hours via solar input, compatible with Ugreen's 200W folding solar panels for added efficiency.

best solar generator for laptop - ugreen 1200 power station

Portability is high, thanks to a compact design (13.8 x 9.8 x 9.4 inches) and lightweight (25.4 lbs). An LCD shows essential information, and the generator comes with accessory essentials. This device is a sustainable, eco-friendly solution that aligns with renewable energy practices.

How Many Watts Does It Take to Charge a Laptop?

Charging a laptop involves the battery, storing energy, and the charging adapter, converting power from a source like a wall outlet. The watts needed to depend on battery type, adapter efficiency, and laptop settings. Watts measure energy transfer per time unit. Higher watts mean faster charging.


The battery's voltage and capacity significantly impact the wattage required to charge a laptop. Voltage, measured in volts (V), indicates electric potential difference and determines power output; higher voltage means more power. Laptop batteries generally range from 10.8 V to 14.8 V.

Capacity, measured in watt-hours (Wh) or kilowatt-hours (kWh), signifies stored electricity and influences how long a laptop can run before recharging. Greater capacity extends battery life. Typical laptop battery capacities span 30 Wh to 100 Wh. To find voltage and capacity, check the battery label or specifications.

For instance, a standard laptop battery might possess an 11.1 V voltage and 50 Wh capacity, implying it can store 50 watts of energy for an hour.

Charging Adaptor

The charging adapter plays a significant role in determining the necessary wattage to charge a laptop. Two key characteristics of the charging adapter are the output voltage and output current.

  • ⚪The output voltage, measured in volts (V), signifies the potential difference between two points and dictates the power it can deliver to the laptop. A higher output voltage corresponds to greater power output. Laptop charging adapters usually range from 15 to 20 V, depending on the adapter type and model.

  • ⚪Output current, measured in amps (A), reflects the rate of electric charge flow within a circuit per unit of time. It determines how quickly the adapter can charge the battery. Higher output current equates to faster charging. Laptop charging adapters generally span from 2 A to 5 A, influenced by the adapter's power output and efficiency.


Laptops are remarkably energy-efficient devices, consuming minimal power for their operation. The intricacies of laptop power consumptionrevolve around various factors, such as the laptop model, components, and user settings. The power usage generally ranges from around 30 to 90 watts during regular activities.

However, the energy footprint can be minimized through thoughtful optimizations, like reducing screen brightness, disabling unused peripherals, and employing power-saving modes. Capitalizing on these strategies allows laptop users to curtail laptop power consumption, extend battery life, and contribute to energy conservation efforts.

FAQ About Laptop Power Consumption

Do Laptops Use More Power Than Desktops?

No, laptops use less power than desktops. On average, laptops consume 20-50 watts, while desktops use 60-200 watts. Laptops prioritize energy efficiency and battery life with specialized components. Desktops feature more power-hungry and expandable components, contributing to higher energy consumption.

Do Desktops Consume More Power Than Laptops?

Certainly, desktops consume more power than laptops. On average, desktops use about 60-200 watts of electricity, while Laptop power consumption is 20-50 watts. This disparity is due to the robust and expandable components within desktops demanding greater energy. Laptops, designed for energy efficiency and prolonged battery life, incorporate components that consume less power.

What Is The Average Laptop Energy Consumption?

The average laptop power consumption is around 55.45-watt hours daily, costing approximately $3.04 per year at an average electricity rate of 15 cents per kWh. However, this varies based on laptop models, settings, and usage patterns.

How Much Electricity Does A Laptop Use?

Laptop power consumption depends on the model, components, settings, and activities. Averages are around 55.45-watt hours daily, but high-end laptops can exceed 100 watts per hour. Tools like [Kill A Watt] can measure voltage, current, power, energy, and cost.

How Much Power Does A Laptop Use Per Hour?

Laptop power consumption per hour fluctuates based on the model, specifications, settings, and usage patterns. Generally, laptops use about 55.45 watts of power per hour, yet high-performance laptops can surpass 100 watts during demanding tasks or gaming.

/blogs/home-battery-backup/how-many-watts-does-a-microwave-use 2023-08-11T00:00:00+08:00 2023-09-14T21:03:42+08:00 How Many Watts Does a Microwave Use [Detailed Data Table] UGREEN More


If you’re trying to keep track of the amount of energy the appliances in your house consume, asking the question ‘how many watts does a microwave use’ will be a great place to start. Microwaves have become a very important staple in every home, they save you the time and stress of reheating your food over the cooker.

Although they seem portable, they might be responsible for a lot of the energy consumed in your household. The average microwave wattage is between 600 to 1000 watts, depending on whether it's a commercial or domestic microwave. In this blog, we are going to dive into details about the energy your microwave consumes and how you can calculate it accurately.

Key Takeaways about Microwave Wattage

-Compact microwaves like the ones used in hotel rooms consume less energy than the standard microwaves you use in your households. The average wattage for a compact microwave is 600W to 800W, while that of standard microwaves ranges from 800W to 1000W.

-Commercial microwaves that consume up to 1000W are the types used in major restaurants or eateries.

-Using your microwave for 10-15 minutes daily will consume 6.1 kilowatt/hours of electricity every month, that is about 73 kilowatt-hours of electricity yearly.

-On average, using a microwave will cost you about $0.86 per month and $10.36 per year.

-Investing in a solar generator is one of the best ways to save money on electricity bills. Solar generators are a long-term investment because you do not need to spend money on anything else after the initial cost of buying the equipment.

How Many Watts Does a Microwave Use?

There are four different types of microwave ovens, and they are categorized according to their design and functionality. Each microwave type consumes a different number of watts, so we will break the watt usage down according to the microwave type.

Over-the-range Microwaves

Over-the-range microwaves are microwaves designed to be mounted above a cooking range or stove, in a bid to save space on the countertop. Over-the-range microwaves have different wattages, but they typically range from 850 to 1200 watts.

Countertop Microwaves

Countertop microwaves are the most popular types of microwaves, you can find them in almost every home. It is basically a home staple. They are designed to be kept on the kitchen countertop, and they have basic functionality. The average wattage on countertop microwaves ranges from 600W to 1200W.

Microwave Drawers

Microwave drawers are microwave ovens installed directly into the lower cabinet or beneath the countertop. They typically look like a drawer but can be pulled out for easy access. The wattage of microwave drawers ranges from 900 to 1200 watts.

Built-In Microwaves

Built-in microwaves are precisely as their names specify, they are designed to be built into wall units or kitchen cabinetry for an integrated and seamless look. Their wattage ranges from 800 to 1200 watts.

Bear in mind that these are just the speculated average wattage these microwaves consume, and they can vary based on their specific model or brand.

How to Find Your Microwave Wattage

Look for the manual or microwave oven logo

Every microwave has a manual, and you can find the specific wattage of your microwave inside the manual. You can also find the wattage on the door sticker that comes with the microwave when you purchase it. Every microwave brand also has its specific wattage so check for the logo to know what brand of microwave you have.

If you no longer have access to the manual or the sticker on the door, then you may have to test it. Read our next point to find out how to know your microwave wattage by testing it.

Test the Microwave

To , fill a microwave-safe measuring cup with cold water, put it in the microwave, and pay attention to how long it takes for the water to boil. The time it takes the water to boil is the approximate wattage the microwave uses. Check out the breakdown below;

  • 2 minutes equals 1,000 watts
  • 3 minutes equals 700 watts
  • 4 minutes equals 600 watts
  • 5 minutes equals 800 watts

How Much Electricity does a Microwave use Per Day, Month, Year?

The amount of electricity your microwave consumes depends on how frequently you use it. Microwaves usually use around 10 amps when they are connected to a 120-volt outlet.

Assuming your average microwave uses 900W, and you use it for 10 minutes daily, it will lead to an energy consumption of 0.94 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity every week, 4.1kWh every month, and 49kWh every year.

If you use your microwave for 15 minutes daily, at the end of the week, you would have used 1.4kWh, 6.1kWh every month, and 73kWh every year.

On a higher note, running your microwave for up to 20 minutes every day will result in the consumption of 1.9kWh of electricity every week, 8.1kWh monthly, and 97kWh yearly.

The wattage of your microwave determines how much electricity it will consume. So, if you run your microwaves for short periods as we mentioned, here’s how much electricity it costs you.

How much electricity do microwaves use per day, month, and year?



















































Definition Of Amps, Volts, Watts, Running Watts, Watt-Hours

We cannot talk about electricity consumption without defining its parameters and units. So, just in case you need a refresher, here are the definitions of the terms you’ll come across in the rest of this article;

Amps (A)

Amperes or Amps for short is the unit of measurement that represents electric currents. In simple terms, it is the total number of electrons that flow in a circuit.

Volts (V)

Volt (V) is the unit of voltage that measures the difference in electrical pressure. In simple terms, it measures the speed of electricity that goes through a circuit.

Watts (W)

Watts is the official unit that measures how much electricity you consume. Watts can be calculated by multiplying Amps by Volts. That is W= Volts *Amps. That is W= Volts *Amps

Running Watts

Running watts is the total amount of watts you need to continue running your items.


Watt hours is the unit that measures how much electricity in Watts you use in an hour.

Kilowatt-hours (kWh)

Kilowatt-hours is the number of kilowatts you use within a given time. It is the unit used to measure our electric bills. One kilowatt equals 1000 watts.

How Much Does Powering a Microwave Cost?

Your monthly electric bills do not break down the number of watts your home appliances consume; instead, it shows you the total amount charged. So, how do you find out how much power your microwave uses and how much it costs you to run it? We’ve got you covered. Here’s how much it costs to power an average microwave in a household;

In California, the average electricity rate is $22/kWh; if your microwave has a wattage of 800W, it will cost you $1.34 and $16.06 yearly.

In New York, the average electricity rate is $20.59kWh; if your microwave has a wattage of 800W, it will cost you $1.25 per month and $15.03 per year.

In Texas, the average electricity rate is $12.56/kWh; if your microwave has a wattage of 800W, it will cost you $0.76 per month and $9.17 per year.






22.00 ¢ / kWh



New York

20.59 ¢ / kWh




12.56 ¢ / kWh




22.59 ¢ / kWh




12.21 ¢ / kWh




12.58 ¢ / kWh



New Jersey

16.20 ¢ / kWh




14.48 ¢ / kWh




10.38 ¢ / kWh



US Average

14.19 ¢ / kWh



How to Calculate the Energy Consumption of your Microwave?

There’s a specific formula to calculate the energy your microwave uses and how much it costs to run it. The power unit consumed by any microwave is kWh, and the kWh of a microwave equals the watts used by the microwave multiplied by the working hours. That is;

  • Microwave KWh= Watts consumed by the Microwave X the working hours
  • Assuming your microwave uses 900 watts per hour
  • Power used in an hour= 900 X 1= 900 watt-hours= 0.9kWh
  • The power consumed by your microwave in 1 minute= 0.9/60 = 0.015kWh
  • The power consumed by your microwave in 10 minutes= 0.9/60 X 10 = 0.015kWh
  • Monthly power consumption when the microwave is used for 10 minutes per day= 0.015 X 30= 0.45kWh.

Factors Influencing the Energy Consumption of your Microwave

There are a ton of factors that influence the energy consumption of your microwave and in this part of the article, we will be highlighting some of the important ones. Learning about these factors will help you control or minimize the amount of energy your microwave consumes.


Microwaves with higher wattages consume more energy even though they tend to cook food faster than most.

The Cooking Time

The longer your cooking time, the more energy your microwave will consume. To reduce energy consumption, try cooking the food within a shorter time.

Usage Frequencies

If you use your microwave more than once a day, it will consume more energy than when you use it less frequently. To save more energy, you may have to use the microwave less frequently.

Energy-saving features

Some microwaves have inbuilt energy-saving features like automatic shutoff or power-saving mode to reduce the amount of energy they consume. This can help with energy consumption control.

Capacity and Size

Larger microwaves are prone to consuming a higher level of energy compared to small or portable ones. This explains why commercial microwaves have an average wattage of 1000W while household microwaves have lesser (600-800W).

Maintenance and Upkeep

Microwaves that are terribly maintained may develop faults down the line and start to consume more energy. Microwaves with dirty interiors and broken seals are in this category, which is why it is important to regularly clean your microwave and fix any faults before it gets worse.

Standby Mode

Leaving your microwave on standby mode even when you’re not using it still consumes a small amount of energy. The best way to preserve energy is to completely shut it down by unplugging it from the socket.

EER (Energy Efficiency Rating)

The EER of your microwave plays a significant role in determining how much energy it will consume. Some microwaves are designed specifically to have high energy efficiency to help reduce their energy consumption.

Default Power Settings

The power settings you use when cooking with your microwave can affect how much energy it consumes. Lower power settings will use less energy, while higher power settings will do the opposite.

Best Solar Generator for Microwaves - 鶹ƵPowerRoam 1200 Power Station

The best and most reliable way to reduce and control your energy consumption is by switching to a solar generator. Solar generators allow you to enjoy the ease of having steady electricity without the many bills.

Solar generators are also a long-term investment that offers lifetime benefits because you no longer need to worry about maintenance, fuel, and the complexities of their operation.

Appliances used regularly, like microwaves and TV, need a reliable generator to support their optimal function without hitches. Thankfully powerful solar generators like the 鶹ƵPowerRoam Power Station, can power some of the most important household products.

ugreen powerroam power station

The 鶹ƵPowerRoam 1200 power station is a reliable generator that powers your basic appliances like microwaves, mobile phones, and laptops. It is a trusted solar generator that removes the burden.

The 鶹ƵPower Roam 1200 power station gives you a 1024Wh capacity, 1200w AC output, and up to 2500w with its U-Turbo technology. With 13 active ports, the power station can serve any power need you may have, and the power zip technology allows it to charge swiftly without depreciating in quality.

ugreen power station

The LiFePO4 battery gives it a 10-year peak functionality guarantee, making it one of the best investments you can make for your household. From outdoor activities like camping and RVing to home emergencies, the 鶹ƵPowerRoam can function efficiently.

LiFePO4 battery

The portable solar generator can also be controlled using the customized app, and its solar panels are made from the best durable materials. With smart sunlight alignment, the panel will automatically capture even more sunlight in contrast to fixed tilt panels.

ugreen solar panel

FAQs About Microwave Power Consumption

How much power does a 1000-watt microwave use?

A 1000-watt microwave uses about 8.3 Amps of power

How many watts is a microwave?

Microwave watts ranges from 700W to 1000W

Does microwave use a lot of electricity?

Microwaves use an average amount of electricity unless it is being used constantly.

How many watts does a microwave use per minute and per hour?

Depending on the microwave type, on average, a microwave uses 1000W per minute.

What Is the Average Wattage of a Microwave?

The average microwave wattage ranges from 800 to 1000 watts because most of them are household appliances, not commercial.

What Is Standard Microwave Wattage?

The standard microwave wattage is 800 watts for domestic microwaves and 1000W for commercial microwaves.

/blogs/home-battery-backup/how-many-kwh-does-a-house-use-daily 2023-07-24T00:00:00+08:00 2023-09-14T21:03:44+08:00 How Many KwH Does A House Use Daily, Month And Year in US (with data table ) UGREEN More


Getting your electricity bill at the end of the month often leaves us wondering when we used up so much energy. But if you are tired of wondering how your bill got that high, you may want to know how to calculate your daily energy use for each appliance.

It's also important to know how your home consumption compares to the national average to determine if you are spending too much or not. So let's find out how many kWh your home uses and factors that contribute to your home power usage.

Before we start: What is kW and what is kWh?

Simply put, kW or Kilowatt is a unit for measuring electrical energy while kWh or Kilowatt-hours measures your energy usage over time. To explain more elaborately, Kilowatt is equal to a thousand watts (1000W). It is the amount of energy an electrical appliance consumes.

On the other hand, a Kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy an appliance uses every hour. So, one Kilowatt used for an hour equals 1kWh. KWh is the unit used for your electricity bill. It not only tells us the number of Kilowatts an appliance consumes, but Kilowatt-hour tells us the amount of energy consumed and how long it takes to use a Kilowatt.

what is kw, what is kwh

How Many kWh Does A House Use Per Day, Month, and Year in the US?

While many factors influence your specific house energy consumption (more on this later), the average household consumption will help you know the rough estimate for households. Knowing the average helps you figure out if you are above or below the average.

This report is based on EIA's () updated electricity use. EIA reports that the average annual electricity consumption per household in 2021 is 10,632 kWh, making an average of 886 kWh per month.

The table below shows the average kWh for a single American household daily, monthly, yearly, and instantaneously. Instantaneous use refers to the power needed in an instant. Dividing 10,632 kWh by 365 days, we get a daily average of 29 kWh.

To determine the instantaneous usage, we find the number of hours in a year - 365 times 24 = 8760. Then we divide 10,632 by 8760 hours, which is 1.2 kW

Average kWh use for a single American household


Usage per household


29 kWh


886 kWh


10,632 kWh


1.2 kW

Average kWh use for all American households combined

Using the single resident average, we calculate the aggregate average power consumption for American residents. The EIA estimates as 123,530,000 and the aggregate yearly consumption was 1,497,767,000,000 kWh. Below, we use this estimate to find the daily, monthly, and instantaneous aggregate.


Usage for all households combined


3,103,471,232 kWh


124,813,916,667 kWh


1,497,767,000,000 kWh


170,977,968 kW

Average Household Electricity Use, Bill, and Cost per kWh for Each State

Typically, there is a lot of variance between states with some ranking high and others low. According to the EIA report in 2021, Louisiana had the highest annual consumption at 14,302 kWh per household and 1200 kWh per month. Hawaii ranked lowest at 6,369 kWh and 537 kWh per month.

Considering the average consumption per household in your state will help you better understand your energy consumption and work towards reducing your carbon footprint if you are above the average.

This variation also applies to the cost per kWh with Oklahoma, Idaho, Arkansas, Louisiana, Utah, Washington, and North Dakota charging as low as $0.10. Hawaii's electricity bill proves to be the highest at $0.30, with Alaska falling $0.7 behind at $0.23.

We created a table showing the different states and their power use daily, monthly, and yearly, and the electricity cost per kWh for each state. The table below is drawn from the EIA table for each state in the US.


Electricity Use Daily

Electricity Use Monthly

Electricity Use Yearly

Monthly Bill

Electricity Cost


37 kWh

1,145 kWh

13,737 kWh




18 kWh

552 kWh

6,628 kWh




36 kWh

1,114 kWh

13,364 kWh




34 kWh

1,060 kWh

12,720 kWh




20 kWh

605 kWh

7,259 kWh




23 kWh

711 kWh

8,533 kWh




23 kWh

703 kWh

8,433 kWh




20 kWh

631 kWh

7,567 kWh




30 kWh

935 kWh

11,214 kWh




37 kWh

1,142 kWh

13,698 kWh




35 kWh

1,081 kWh

12,974 kWh




17 kWh

537 kWh

6,446 kWh




31 kWh

955 kWh

11,463 kWh




23 kWh

698 kWh

8,376 kWh




30 kWh

938 kWh

11,259 kWh




28 kWh

865 kWh

10,380 kWh




28 kWh

883 kWh

10,598 kWh




35 kWh

1,073 kWh

12,878 kWh




39 kWh

1,201 kWh

14,407 kWh




18 kWh

567 kWh

6,802 kWh




31 kWh

964 kWh

11,570 kWh




20 kWh

610 kWh

7,323 kWh




22 kWh

676 kWh

8,107 kWh




25 kWh

775 kWh

9,298 kWh




37 kWh

1,146 kWh

13,756 kWh




33 kWh

1,028 kWh

12,333 kWh




28 kWh

858 kWh

10,299 kWh




33 kWh

1,013 kWh

12,156 kWh




31 kWh

971 kWh

11,648 kWh



New Hampshire

20 kWh

622 kWh

7,469 kWh



New Jersey

22 kWh

673 kWh

8,079 kWh



New Mexico

22 kWh

670 kWh

8,039 kWh



New York

19 kWh

600 kWh

7,197 kWh



North Carolina

34 kWh

1,041 kWh

12,490 kWh



North Dakota

35 kWh

1,085 kWh

13,023 kWh




29 kWh

888 kWh

10,656 kWh




35 kWh

1,078 kWh

12,938 kWh




30 kWh

916 kWh

10,995 kWh




27 kWh

822 kWh

9,863 kWh



Rhode Island

19 kWh

599 kWh

7,187 kWh



South Carolina

35 kWh

1,081 kWh

12,968 kWh



South Dakota

33 kWh

1,037 kWh

12,441 kWh




38 kWh

1,168 kWh

14,020 kWh




37 kWh

1,132 kWh

13,583 kWh




25 kWh

769 kWh

9,226 kWh




18 kWh

567 kWh

6,806 kWh




35 kWh

1,095 kWh

13,143 kWh




31 kWh

969 kWh

11,634 kWh



West Virginia

34 kWh

1,051 kWh

12,615 kWh




22 kWh

694 kWh

8,331 kWh




28 kWh

869 kWh

10,432 kWh



A terrible truth: Americans use 5x more power than the global average

Although Americans make up less than 5% of the world's population, they make up 25 % of the world's energy consumption. Each American uses an average of 4,500 kWh per year in their home. The US average is surprisingly about six times the global average per capita or over five times the average for those with access to electricity.

Besides America, the difference between developed countries is wide. The US and Canada's consumption is around 4,500 kWh per individual. But in Brazil, Mexico, and China, it's around 500 kWh per individual.

However, this difference doesn't account for the growth in energy consumption. For example, while Brazil's use is as low as China's, it has been stable for the last 20 years. On the other hand, China's has increased by 600%.

Factors that affect your home’s energy usage (What Affects Electricity Consumption?)

Of course, everyone’s electricity bill won't be the same, and understanding why is not as simple as it seems. Numerous factors can affect your home’s energy usage, making you use below or above the household average.

1. Size of your home

Typically, a bigger house will consume more energy than a smaller house. This is because you will require more energy to heat or cool a larger space.

2.The age of the house and type of building material

Older homes use up more energy because building materials weaken over time, causing heat loss. Also, the type of material used will affect how much energy you use.

Less energy-efficient materials, like the ones used in older homes, allow air to escape. But energy-efficient materials will reduce air leaks.

3.Number of occupants

More occupants will mean higher energy consumption. From charging phones to using the washing machine, energy consumption is bound to be higher than that of a smaller household using the same appliances.

4.Type of appliances

Different appliances consume different amounts of energy. Energy-consuming appliances will increase your average consumption but energy-efficient appliances will use less energy.

5.The number of appliances

If you have more appliances than your neighbor, you may consume a bit more energy, especially if they are energy-intensive.

6.How often appliances are used

Every time you use an electrical appliance, it consumes energy. So, how often you use your appliances will affect your average energy use.

7.Geographic location

The area you live in can affect how much energy you use. If you live in a region with extreme temperatures, you will end up consuming more energy for cooling and heating than in milder areas.

8.Season and weather

Seasons and weather conditions may influence your average energy use. Sunny days and the summer months will require more cooling. Rainy days and the winter months will require more heating.

Which appliances contribute the most to your average home power usage?

Several factors will determine what appliances contribute most to your home's power consumption. So there's really no straight answer to this. Some factors you should consider are which appliances you use often and the type of appliance. However, some appliances typically contribute most to power consumption:

1.Heating and cooling equipment

Heating and cooling appliances like air conditioners and heaters consume a lot of energy. This is especially because they are used very frequently in the home.

2.Water heater

Water heaters are the second most energy-consuming appliance in the home. They consume a lot of energy because they have to heat a lot of water for laundry, dishwashers, showers, etc.

Water heaters account for approximately 18% of your electricity bill, and says the average household spends between $400 and $600 on water heating every year.


The Department of Energy says that lighting accounts for about 15% of an average home's electricity use. Lighting is a necessity which is why a lot of energy is used for lighting.

But, replacing incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs like LEDs can significantly reduce your bill. It can save about $225 in energy costs per year for the average household.


Refrigerators are one of the largest appliances in the home and they equally consume a lot of energy. Most homes have two or more and keep at least one of them on throughout the day. Hence, increasing power use.

In 2015, estimated that refrigerators account for 7% of the average household's energy consumption. However, in 2022, it .

5.Washing machines and cloth dryers

While doing the laundry may be a once-in-a-week routine, your washing machine and dryer still fall among the most energy-consuming appliances. It makes up about 5% of your monthly energy use. The percentage becomes higher in homes with many occupants.

6.Home entertainment systems

Your home entertainment system including televisions, TV boxes, gaming consoles, and home theater contribute significantly to your energy use. In 2022, these devices consumed a total of 54 billion kWh which makes up 4% of the total American home use.

7.Kitchen appliances

Electric oven, electric kettle, dishwasher, and other electrical kitchen appliances do contribute to your energy use. While separately, they make up around 1% of your energy bill, collectively, they make up a significant percentage.

How to calculate how many kWh an Appliance Uses

Calculating how many kWh an appliance uses is quite simple and requires no special mathematical knowledge. You need to multiply the wattage of the appliance by the amount of time (hrs) it was used and then divide it by 1000.

The formula for calculating kWh is: kWh = Wattage × hours used ÷ 1000

For example, a 100 Watt lightbulb was used for 500 hrs in a month. The kWh will be: Monthly kWh = 100 × 500 ÷ 1000 = 50. Monthly kWh for 100 Watt lightbulb = 50 kWh.

How to reduce home power consumption?

Reducing your home power consumption simultaneously reduces your electricity bill. The best way to reduce your home power consumption is to:

1. Invest in solar generator. A good investment saves you money over time, even though it may seem expensive at first. Fortunately, solar generators are just the right investment you need to save energy.

Advantages of solar generator

There are many benefits of using solar generators. They include:

  • Grid independence: Solar generators don’t rely on the electricity grid. Thus, they are a reliable option during power outages, natural disasters, and off-grid locations.

  • Renewable energy source: Solar generators use sunlight which is a renewable and sustainable energy source, making it a great option in the long run.

  • Environmentally friendly: Using solar generators can significantly reduce your overall carbon footprint because it produces fewer emissions, making it an environmentally friendly option.

  • Quiet operation: Unlike traditional generators that are made up of moving parts, solar-powered generators don’t have moving parts. Hence, they operate quietly, preserving the serenity of your home

  • Cost-effective: Solar generators may cost more than traditional generators when considering upfront costs. But solar energy is free, so over time, you won't spend much.

  • Low maintenance: Solar generators don’t require complex maintenance. Mostly, all it needs is regular cleaning of the solar panels.

  • Scalability: Solar generators are scalable, eliminating the need to completely change the generator if you need something better. You can simply add more panels or install a stronger battery to increase its capacity.

  • Portability and versatility: Most solar generators have a portable design, making it easy to transport them. They can also be used for various purposes.

  • Durable and long-lasting: These solar generators were built to last. They can withstand various weather conditions, enabling them to last longer.

  • Incentives and rebates: In some areas, you may get incentives and rebates for installing solar generators. This helps reduce the initial cost.

If you are looking for a reliable and powerful solar generator, we recommend the 鶹Ƶsolar generator. One of Ugreen's power products is the 鶹ƵPowerRoam 1200 Power Station. It is a long-lasting solar generator that comes in two models, with one offering up to 1024 watts capacity. It also comes with app support for easy use. The PowerRoam 1200 has a lightweight design and 13 output ports.

✅LiFePO4 Battery

✅1200W AC Output, up to 2500W w/ U-Turbo

✅1.5H fast charging, 50 Minutes 0 to 80% Battery

✅13 Ports for Any Power Need

✅Easy App Control

✅5-Year Full-Device Warranty

ugreen powerroam 1200W portable power station

2. Replace outdated appliances. Replace outdated appliances with ENERGY STAR certified models, which are engineered to consume less energy while still performing the same functions.

3. Use LED light bulbs. LED light bulbs are more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs and have a much longer lifespan.

4. Maintain heating and cooling systems. To guarantee effective heating and cooling, and consequently reduce energy consumption, regularly clean or replace air filters, schedule annual HVAC maintenance, and adequately insulate your home.

5. Install a programmable thermostat. Choose a thermostat that can adjust temperatures automatically based on your schedule to save energy when you're away or asleep.

6. Reduce phantom loads by unplugging electronics and appliances when not in use or by using power strips with an on/off switch to quickly disconnect a number of appliances and devices.

7. Reduce the need for artificial lighting during the day by utilizing natural lighting by opening your curtains and blinds during the day.

8. Install energy-efficient windows. To improve the insulation of your home and minimize heat gain or loss, consider upgrading to double-pane or energy-efficient windows.

9. To stop air leakage, which can result in energy waste, weatherstripping windows and doors, caulking cracks, and insulating switches and outlets should all be done.

10. For the most effective water heating, set your water heater's temperature to about 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 degrees Celsius) to reduce energy consumption while maintaining a sufficient supply of hot water.

11. Install low-flow showerheads and faucets, address leaks right away, and use less water overall in the home to conserve water. Water heating uses a lot of energy.

12. Set your computer, printer, and other electronic devices to go into power-saving mode when not in use for a while.

13. Installing solar power systems to produce electricity could dramatically lessen your dependency on the grid and eventually result in decreased utility costs.

The 鶹ƵFoldable Solar Panel for Portable Power Station is a 200 Watt panel that offers:

✅High conversion efficiency

✅Smart sunlight alignment

✅Portable and foldable design

✅Water-resistance & durability

ugreen foldable solar panel

14. Energy audit. Engage a qualified energy auditor to evaluate the energy effectiveness of your home and make adjustments that are suited to your requirements.

You may drastically lower your home's energy use by implementing these habits and making energy-conscious decisions, which will help you live a more sustainable and ecologically friendly lifestyle.

Final Thoughts

Your home energy consumption will depend on different factors, like your house building materials, the type of appliances, and geographic location. If you compare your monthly electricity bill to the national household average and you realize you consume too much electricity, there's a way to manage this. Using solar generators can significantly reduce your electricity consumption.

We recommend 鶹Ƶsolar generators for the best experience, proven reliability, and cost-efficiency. In the long run, you’ll be saving more money and more energy.
